

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

1050风险管理/保险政策 & 程序

主题:风险管理/保险政策 & 程序

理由是:  This policy ensures that the identification and mitigation of insurable risks occurs in an efficient, cost-effective manner and that the purchase of insurance is coordinated through the Office of 风险管理. 除了, 韦德体育app官网 (University) has an obligation to promptly report to the insurance providers’ loss events that could give rise to a claim. 不履行报告义务可能导致不支付索赔费用.

政策:  风险管理办公室有权购买财产, 一般及特定风险的责任及其他非雇员附带福利保险, based on an institutional assessment of the potential for losses and the cost to insure against a loss.

根据附录A:保险分配/费用矩阵, the breadth and scope of coverage will depend upon the insurance policies in effect for the current fiscal year.

Individual 单位s are prohibited from using University funds to purchase separate insurance policies. 如果某项活动需要特定的保险范围, 单位, 或者赞助项目, 风险管理办公室将与该股合作,确保获得必要的保险.

Methods to allocate premiums and administrative expenses are determined by the Office of 风险管理 annually in consultation with Finance and Administration.

All claims of property loss or bodily injury will be reviewed and handled by the Office of 风险管理. Litigated Claims will be handled by the Office of 法律 Affairs in cooperation with the Office of 风险管理 and a 第三方索赔 Administrator. 

本政策的所有例外情况将被提及 OU美联社&行政政策和程序的例外情况

适用范围及适用性:  这项政策适用于所有大学教职员工、学生和志愿者.


保险证明书:   A document issued by an insurance company/broker that verifies the existence of insurance coverage under specific conditions. 该文档列出了保单的有效日期和到期日期, 确定特定类型的覆盖, 以及适用的保险限额和免赔额.

免赔额:  未被保险公司承保的索赔部分.

M.U.S.I.C.:  密歇根大学自我保险公司.  

PII:  个人识别信息. 

第三方管理人:  An organization that handles claims processing and reporting components of a self funded benefits plan.  

UAD:  大学授权司机.



每年一次(通常在财政年度的第二季度), a portion of the insurance cost   and administrative expense is allocated to the auxiliary 单位s that benefit from the University’s insurance coverage. 执行摘要见附件A.


所有财产索赔将按当前财产保险的免赔额进行评估. 辅助单位负责100%的免赔额. 非辅助单位负责部分免赔额,见附件附件a.


所有汽车保险索赔将评估当前汽车保险的免赔额. 辅助单位和非辅助单位负责100%的免赔额.



申请包租巴士公司的部门, 公共汽车, 豪华轿车和班车不在OU批准的供应商名单上, 必须验证以下标准:

  • SafeStat在每个类别中的得分低于75分,安全评级为“满意”. 分数可以在以下网站上找到 客运安全.
  • 至少500万美元的汽车责任保险,以及韦德体育app官网 & 被董事会列为附加被保险人.


学校为教师提供保险, 因公出国的教职员和学生, 或者作为出国留学课程或项目的一部分. Prior registration is required; visit the 风险管理 注册网址.

某些国家可能存在旅行限制,这可能会限制保险范围. Check with the Office of 风险管理 or Office of International Education for further information.

All claims are handled by the Third Party Administrator; detailed claim filing instructions are located on the 风险管理 网站.


如果在国外租用/租赁车辆, 当地保险必须在租赁时购买.

Contact the Office of 风险管理 for current information or visit the “风险管理” 网站.

3)韦德体育app官网保险证书申请 Refer to the Office of 风险管理 网站 for specific insurance certificate request instructions. The Office of 风险管理 will prepare certificates within seven (7) business days of the request.  

4)保险范围 & 建筑工程和活动或服务的限制

在合同开始时, it is the responsibility of the department initiating the contract to verify insurance coverage meets the requirements detailed in Exhibit B and C, 如附录D所允许, or as approved by 风险管理 and file proof of insurance with the contract prior to the commencement of work.  Departments are encouraged to periodically review insurance limits throughout the life of the contract to confirm such limits haven't changed since inception of the contract.  Modifications from the insurance requirements can be changed or waived only by the Office of 风险管理.  Insurance requirement modifications and/or cancellations received after the commencement of work should be directed to the Office of 风险管理. 

All RFPs (Request for Proposal) must follow the insurance provision requirements outlined in Exhibit B Construction Projects Insurance Coverage Requirements or Exhibit C Activities or Service Insurance Coverage Requirements.  任何偏差必须在RFP发布之前由风险管理办公室进行审查. 

Insurance Waiver Requests not covered in Exhibit D:  Refer to the Office of 风险管理 网站 for instructions. 


Incidents that could give rise to a claim must be reported to the Office of 风险管理 within 24 hours of occurrence. 索赔处理程序和付款方式可能因规模而异, 损失的类型和复杂程度将由风险管理办公室确定.


UAD私人车辆 UAD’s driving their own personal vehicles on University business must carry the current lawfully required amount of personal auto insurance. The UAD’s personal automobile coverage shall be the primary insurance coverage for claims that occur on University business. No automobile physical damage insurance coverage (comprehensive and/or collision) for privately owned/leased/rented vehicles shall be provided by the University. (见 OU美联社&p# 1200旅行.)

UAD和大学车辆 UAD’s operating University vehicles or equipment are covered for damages to property of others and/or bodily injury claims within the Michigan No-Fault Act. 风险管理 shall report all such related claims to the University’s Third Party Administrator for handling.

a. 如果车辆是自有的, 由学校出租或出租,在校期间损坏的, 警方报告必须提交给韦德体育app官网警察局(OUPD)。. 如果损坏或丢失发生在校外,应向当地警方报告. The UAD or supervisor must inform the Office of 风险管理 of the accident as soon as possible but no later than one (1) business day after receiving notification from the UAD. It is the UAD’s responsibility to request a copy of the police report be sent to the Office of 风险管理. 请参考 风险管理 网站.

b. 超过当前免赔额的汽车索赔:

对于任何涉及超过目前免赔额的维修的索赔, 三(3)估计 must be obtained and submitted to the Office of 风险管理 for approval prior to proceeding with repairs. 也可能需要独立索赔理算员的服务.  

汽车修理少于目前的免赔额是部门的责任. 所有的维修都是由部门支付和管理的.



任何盗窃或篡改硬件的行为, 软件或存储数据,包括笔记本电脑, 台式电脑, 移动设备, 电子存储设备或服务器, must be reported immediately to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the Office of 风险管理. (见也 OU美联社&p# 860信息安全).


涉及PII丢失的事件, 无论是以电子形式存储还是以硬拷贝形式存储, 必须立即报告给首席信息官和风险管理办公室. (见也OU美联社&p# 860信息安全.)


University property that has been damaged or stolen must be reported to the OUPD and the Office of 风险管理 as soon as possible. 保存任何损坏的物品以供评估是至关重要的. 损坏的地方应该拍照. 未经风险管理部门事先批准,不得进行任何维修. (见也 OU美联社&360物业管理


涉及第三方的潜在索赔应直接向风险管理办公室提出. 如果已经提起诉讼,应直接与法务办公室联系.




OU美联社&p# 610驾驶守则和标准

OU美联社&p# 860信息安全

OU美联社&p# 1200旅行

附录A -保险分配/费用矩阵

附录B -建筑工程保险范围要求

附录C -活动或服务保险范围要求

附录D -豁免风险管理核准活动/事件保险要求
