

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3450

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
If you need an appointment outside of our regular office hours, please contact us.

我们致力于确保您能够 访问 我们的网站. For assistance with technical resources, contact OU's 学生技术中心.


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3450

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
If you need an appointment outside of our regular office hours, please contact us.

我们致力于确保您能够 访问 我们的网站. For assistance with technical resources, contact OU's 学生技术中心.


Please read the following information before submitting a request. The application can be found at the bottom of the page.

The Request for Exception must be submitted either during or immediately following the term in question. Requests must be submitted before your degree is awarded. Requests will 不 be reviewed after one calendar year from the end of the term in question. 请参考韦德体育app官网重要的日子.

这些案例是 请求的理由:

  • 有关情况: A student must weight the change in employment vs their educational enrollment.  The University's cost of instruction is 不 reduced when a student withdraws.
  • 错过了截止日期: lack of knowledge of registration/refund deadlines, and disagreement with refund policies are 不 appropriate rationales for filing a Request for Exception.
  • 学术问题: Dissatisfaction with a particular teaching style, issue or concern with an individual or department. Students are encouraged to resolve concerns directly with the person or department involved.  We recognize circumstances will arise where satisfactory resolutions are 不 found or when the student may need additional assistance in finding such a resolution. 请提交 教务协助申请表.
  • 年级的吸引力: Please follow the appropriate procedures outlined in the 目录.

Only the following circumstances/situations will be reviewed:

  • 学生的疾病: A letter/不e from your physician or medical provider on their letterhead indicating the dates you were seen and general nature of your condition. The letter/不e must be signed by your physician or medical provider.
  • 直系亲属患病: A letter from your family member’s physician or medical provider on their letterhead indicating the dates you were unable to attend class. The 不e must be signed by the physician or medical provider.
  • 直系亲属死亡: A copy of the death certificate, published obituary or memorial folder. 如果学生的姓氏不同, documentation is required to establish immediate family relationship to the deceased.
  • 军事部署/重新激活: A copy of official deployment/reactivation 不ice. Deployment and reactivation dates must be within the semester you are requesting.
  • 没有: 不出席, 本身, is 不 an acceptable reason for 不 dropping or withdrawing within the established deadlines. All requests will be verified and confirmed by instructor(s).
  • 大学错误: Written confirmation and explanation of error from 韦德体育app官网 personnel.
  • 其他情况: Letter on letterhead of relevant professional (e.g., lawyer or police report, court order, airline ticket, 等.). 通常这些请求是 批准退还学费.

All 例外请求 forms must be accompanied by a typed student explanation of the extenuating circumstances and verifiable documentation. Supporting documentation can不 be attached directly to the submission. 请将所有文件发送至 (电子邮件保护) 要包含在您的文件中. A Request for Exception filed without supporting documentation will automatically be denied.

可能涉及的财政援助: If you are dropping courses/withdrawing during a term for which you have received financial aid (grants, 贷款, 奖学金, 研究生助教奖学金, 等.), you may be required to return all or a portion of the financial aid that has been disbursed and/or applied to your student account. If your request is to add credit hours after the financial aid credit lock date, please 不e that additional financial aid may 不 be applied to your account to cover the increased tuition costs. You are responsible for consulting a financial aid adviser prior to submitting this request to determine if there will be any financial implications should your request be granted. Please contact the Office of 金融援助 and Scholarships at 120 North Foundation Hall or (248) 370-2550. Once a request is granted, it will 不 be rescinded.

遵循不同学费结构的课程 遵循其他退款流程. Prior to any adjustments to your schedule you should speak with the Office of 金融援助 and Scholarships.

其他可能的影响: In addition to financial implications, we highly encourage you to consider all other implications. Please review your options and make an informed decision by reviewing our 下降,撤回 & 重复信息页.

The Request for Exception is reviewed in the order in which it is received. Submission of this request is NOT a guaranteed approval. 请预留四周时间处理. While your request is under review, you are required to make tuition payments on schedule. Any authorized refunds will be issued in the manner in which they were paid. Notification of the decision is made in writing to the address provided.



Medical-Related Requests for Exceptions are handled through the Dean of Students Office. Should you have questions about medical-related requests for exception you may contact the Dean of Students at (电子邮件保护)

应用程序:  例外请求(与医疗有关)

All non-medical related requests are handled through the 司法常务官办公室. 您可以通过以下方式联系异常小组 (电子邮件保护)

应用程序: 例外请求(非医疗相关)

电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)